English On Friday
Rabu, 01 Agustus 2018
4th English Meeting
Today Mr. Zul absent again because he's so busy and Ms. Rella who's replace him. Finally we met again Ms, after finish exam 1st semester ago. Ms. Rella discuss about how to compose a Toefl book what Mr. Zul gave to us. In that book has a text with some paraghrap and all of us got ones to read them. I were asked Ms. rella about my task is that right or no and Ms. Rella said thats wrong in the section of the structure. She told me to fixed it. Same of semester ago, we must writting diary in our blog of our activities in english session in once a week. And we must record our voice sang a song in once a week.
3rd English Meeting
Today the lecturer who on this class is Mr. Zul. Mr. Zul repeat back what would we learned in this semester (like in first meeting or first diary). And Mr. Zul told us how lower Indonesian people interest to 'read' in the ASEAN. After telling about how lower Indonesian people interest to read, Mr. Zul asked to us 'why are you choose electrical engineering'. Some people replied: because command from their parents, or because it takes a lot of graduates and a decent fee if you become an engineer, or because continued what their learned from their high school, or because it's their own interest. .
2nd English Meeting
A week ago Mr. Zul told us if next week he absent that mean he went to Nepal and maybe who replace him was Ms. Rella but today Ms. rella told to Alma she can't came to teach us because she still promoted tourism majors to another high school in Tangerang etc. So no one teaching us and we just use this time for wasting our time for gaming or doing assignment from another lecturers and just write a list of signatures of student attendance.
The first meeting in the second semester
At this meeting mr.zalzulifa introduced himself because before we were taught by Miss.Rella. we used to call him with the call of Mr.zul. Today Mr. zalzulifa discuss about sylabus. Then he explained the class assignment to us. He began to explain toefl while giving examples of toefl books from other majors. Examples of toefl books that will be made as future tasks later. Mr.zalzulifa said if our toefl is good, it will be published by Mr.Zalzulifa himself. Mr.Zul requested that this task be done by a group of one group consisting of 2 people, then next week's assignment Mr.Zul asked to send the article about civil engineering in translate it to Mr.Zul via email. Because he can not attend next week because he is a business in Nepal.
Senin, 29 Januari 2018
Song Lyrics
To tell you from the heart
what I'm thinking of
My Love - Westlife
Why, do you always do this to me?
Why, couldn't you just see through me?
Why, couldn't you just see through me?
Why - Avril Lavigne
I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be
When we were younger and free
Hello You Adele
Where the fields are green
To see you once again
My Love - Westlife
They are memories made.
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?
Someone Like You Adele
I could speak all night long about the world
How it took me thirty years just to find one girl
How it took me thirty years just to find one girl
No Words - The Script
16th english meeting
This Friday (January 26, 2018) is the sixteenth meeting. Today I am UAS. The supervisor is Miss Rella. UAS is just like the lattice discussed yesterday so I can do it well. While working on UAS, Miss Rella summoned one student after another to collect the assignment. There are still many unfinished students doing their work including me. At exactly 10:00 am I collected answers for Miss Rella.
Kamis, 25 Januari 2018
Mechanical ( Mekanik)
Assemble (Merakit)
Programe (Pemogram)
Computer (Komputer)
Lecturers (Dosen)
Pen (Pulpen)
Educate (Mengajar)
Technician (Teknisi)
Cable (Kabel)
Repair (Perbaikan)
Mining (Pertambangan)
Cable (Kabel)
Repair (Perbaikan)
Enterprenuer (Wieausaha)
Solder (Solder)
Connect (Menyambung)
Telcom (Telekomunikasi)
Computer (Komputer)
Pass on (Menyampaikan)
Pass onned
Pass onned
Construction ( Kontruksi)
Pen (Pulpen)
Design (Merancang)
Civil Servent (PNS)
Computer (Komputer)
Arrange (Mengatur)
Electrical (Kelistrikan)
Cable (Kabel)
Repair (Perbaikan)
Maintenance (Memelihara)
Computer (Komputer)
Tell (Memberitahu)
Manufacturing (Manufaktur)
Computer (Komputer)
Sell (Menjual)
Thursday 11 january 2018
The 15th meeting of the English language course today ms rella continues the group that has not progressed, after a few minutes the whole group go ahead then ms rella continue the meeting by giving description about the test later that is in the form of a picture related to electrical engineering we are told to tell the picture with a minimum of twenty sentences and may be more than twenty sentences, after discussing the description of the exam ms rella reminds tuggas of sixteen stories, forms. Presentation, wh Song vocabularies and conversation.
The 15th meeting of the English language course today ms rella continues the group that has not progressed, after a few minutes the whole group go ahead then ms rella continue the meeting by giving description about the test later that is in the form of a picture related to electrical engineering we are told to tell the picture with a minimum of twenty sentences and may be more than twenty sentences, after discussing the description of the exam ms rella reminds tuggas of sixteen stories, forms. Presentation, wh Song vocabularies and conversation.
Friday 5 january 2018
Mrs Rella gave us a new assignment by making conversation about work with one of our friends, we were given a few minutes to make the conversation, after one by one the group came forward to explain what they make after a few moments at 10 o'clock and the English eye is over but there are still some undeveloped groups, and the undeveloped group is being asked to go ahead next week
Mrs Rella gave us a new assignment by making conversation about work with one of our friends, we were given a few minutes to make the conversation, after one by one the group came forward to explain what they make after a few moments at 10 o'clock and the English eye is over but there are still some undeveloped groups, and the undeveloped group is being asked to go ahead next week
Friday, December 22, 2017
on this day I enter the campus at night,
while waiting for the lecturer as usual me and my friends chatting and joking
after the lecturers in the class, and greet us, the lecturers immediately invite the group ready for the presentation of the tasks that have been given, the group is the members.
1.Cesar mikho junior.
2.M.chairul holis.
3.Nurul rizki kuncoro.
they discuss about the article “social network analysis” .
noderator immediately open the percentage, which directly in the continue with the explanation of their article, while we listen to our assessment of those who are percentage.
after finished the moderator open the question and answer session and immediately proceed with the improvement by the lecturer what is wrong in the percentage material .
after all the lecturers finished out of class, and we prepare to receive the next lesson.
so much
Friday 15 desmber 2017
Today the 10th meeting of the English language course today group of 5 consisting of Dwi hidayat, Ahmad hanafi, Rachmat munandar with a presentation entitled "generators and transmission" moderator in this group is Dwi hidayat their presentation is good moderator skillful play time, pronunciation in reading quite clear and loud when delivering their presentations, their eye contacts are good when occasionally they look to the listener.
Today the 10th meeting of the English language course today group of 5 consisting of Dwi hidayat, Ahmad hanafi, Rachmat munandar with a presentation entitled "generators and transmission" moderator in this group is Dwi hidayat their presentation is good moderator skillful play time, pronunciation in reading quite clear and loud when delivering their presentations, their eye contacts are good when occasionally they look to the listener.
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4th English Meeting
Today Mr. Zul absent again because he's so busy and Ms. Rella who's replace him. Finally we met again Ms, after finish exam 1st seme...
Friday October 13, 2017 In the second week of Mrs. Rella's English lessons came into the classroom, then ordered the students who l...
Thursday 11 january 2018 The 15th meeting of the English language course today ms rella continues the group that has not progressed, after ...